©2018 Jeff Morgan

Pic of the Week - Page 298

A very Happy New Year from Jeff @ Elm Studio

Image Location : The fireworks are fired in Portsmouth harbour near the Emirates Spinnaker Tower which is located in Hampshire.

Full set of images can be found here!

I wish you a bright and hopeful New Year. May the year ahead be graced by blessings and joys, be full of new adventures and delights, also offer you many opportunities for new experiences and learnings. All good wishes to you throughout 2018!

This image was captured about 8:30pm, using a tripod-mounted Sony A7R2 camera and a Canon 17mm f/4 L Tilt Shift lens, where shift up was used to capture the fireworks and keep the tower upright it was manually focused on the spinnaker tower. The camera was set to Manual with a 3.2 second exposure at f/8, ISO 100 and Tungsten white balance. The RAW processing and final adjustments were all done in Photoshop CC.